How Can DNA Testing Personalize Medicine?

DNA testing or genetic medicine brings up all sorts of connotations for various people. Many people have friends or family members that may have variations in their DNA that cause them to think, act, have different abilities and even have variation in appearance that are considered normal for their genetic differences.

DNA medicine is taking a personal look at an individual’s DNA patterns to look for variations that may determine the percent chance of that individual getting an inherited genetic condition. People with families that have high incidences of certain diseases may do this such as in breast cancer risk.

Moving forward to even more prevention is the topic of nutrigenomics. This is the science of looking at an individual’s DNA variances to determine their personal nutritional needs. Based on their inherited DNA patterns that are determined by ancestral migratory patterns. This is especially helpful, as in the modern age, different types of diets are being advertised by everyone as “this is what is best”. It seems to me that focusing on a person’s unique DNA to determine nutritional needs would be most accurate. The person can then choose what food they get those nutrients from custom designing their own diet. Making nutrigenomics the most accurate way to determining dietary needs and reducing confusion about food choices.

Interesting enough cannabis use can be focused on the same way using variances in DNA patterns to determine best use practices on an individual basis. Click here for more information.